Your Life Is a Canvas

by livewhatyouknow

“We all need this quiet unfolding: the passion to paint what we dream, the honesty to only paint what we know, the courage to stop and live into what we don’t know, the humility to return years later, and the courage to use the blood of our life as the colors needed to finish the embrace. This is the unfolding of the human flower. Until the face of our soul and the face we show the world is one, the same.” —Mark Nepo, from
Seven Thousand Ways to Listen, Staying Close to What Is Sacred

Paint Your Life

Use strokes of ambition, truth, peace and love.
Cultivate the courage to create in new and unfamiliar ways.

Realize what you know.
Expand what you know.

Use colors that make your heart sing.
Sing the song of your heart.

Let your masterpiece make eyes sparkle, smiles spread and hearts warm.
Continue the painting, keep learning, add new dimensions.

Look from every perspective and listen with all your senses.
Love with all your heart.

Live open enough to grow.
Strive to live all that you know.

Ask for more.
Give thanks.

See the masterpiece each day.
Be the masterpiece in every way.

Be gentle with yourself along the way.
See the love around you.

It’s your creation!

We truly are creating our lives each and every day with each moment and how we choose to live those moments. We can only create that which we can imagine for ourselves. We must stay alert and be open to the wisdom that wants to guide us to all there is to imagine. There is always much more to imagine.

Wherever we place our attention, allow our thoughts to take us or have our minds rest, will surely become our experience. Imagine all that you can in ever-expanding ways and make it so!

As I lean back and look at the larger picture of my life thus far, it is obvious how it works. Much of it happened without me knowing it. Now that I know it, what will I paint? It will be so much fun to Live the question!

Wishing you love, joy and the courage to show the world your soul face.

NOTE: I’m returning after a bit of a break. I am so happy to be back. 🙂 For anyone interested, I’ve updated the “About” and “My Story” pages for more information about that.