Two Mornings – The Choice and The Blessing

by livewhatyouknow

The Choice (happened one Monday):

Sometimes upon waking and realizing I’m back here in this realm with these ‘situations’ and ‘circumstances’ it takes the brain a few foggy moments to adjust to that realization. Then, the heart feels rather heavy as it is missing something else, some freedom from other dimensions… it is at this point that WE CHOOSE…

Do I surrender to this realm or do I bring something from the other dimensions (and within me) to this one?

When we Know a question like that – we already have the answer!

We shake off the lower dimensional stuff (even if it feels extra heavy – we just shake harder) and we get to creating!!! We don’t have to fall back asleep… we create it here and now while we’re wide awake. We use all that WE ALREADY ARE from within to create and choose where we place our valuable attention. We spread, expand and imbue Love!

Sending you All so much Love! Wishing us All the ability to feel Love and to create the reality within which we would most Love to BE!

I Love you!

The Blessing (happened the next day – on Tuesday):

While yesterday it felt like a choice upon waking (as mentioned above)

Today it would seem that the Sun had been chasing me in my dreams…

No sign of fog

Clear and ready

A feeling (Knowing) of having been upgraded while I slept

So much gratitude and enthusiasm to be here

A clear and certain tingle filled with what it is to be Alive

What an adventure this is! Some days we must to choose to feel it… some days it chooses us. Every day is such a gift!

Whether you’re choosing to Love it here or waking up ready today – I am sending you so much Love! Let’s Shine!