Harmonize, Shine and Love

by livewhatyouknow

We are responsible for our core vibrational frequency. Whatever comes our way serves to deepen our connection to what is real, true and of Love (or lower vibrational reactions if we so choose). Let’s use our free will to choose well – like the beautiful Sovereign Beings that we ARE! [Sovereign Beings do not bow to predictive programming!]

To harmonize with Source Energy today, I will walk in nature, with my bare feet touching this beautiful earth to ground me in what is real and connect me to what is true – Source.

Authenticity is my constant companion – it simplifies my life in so many ways, allowing me to shine my Light and transmute whatever comes my way (by allowing myself to feel it and to bring Light to it) so that I may hold ever increasing amounts of Light as I go. I will choose to Authentically shine my Light today – as I do every day. The ripples and ramifications of this choice are Divine!

LOVE! A few months ago I had the most beautiful experience with QHHT! Source led me to the most lovely practitioner and blessed me with a wonderfully unique and awe inspiring experience as we connected and then delved into all kinds of amazing memories and answered questions. Today, I will draw on that specific moment from my session when I wept and wept at the beauty I experienced in a past “situation” – it was so completely overwhelming all I could do was weep at the comfort and beauty (words cannot do this feeling justice). I can still feel it today as I lean back into it and recall that moment and that “life” I experienced. Like nothing I had ever imagined before, but filled with a Love I always knew was possible and all around. Love IS. I AM.

Wishing you the most lovely day full of harmonizing with Source, shining your authentic Light and choosing Love again and again in the most meaningful and accessible ways for you. There are so many ways into these frequencies… these are the ones I choose today. Tomorrow it may be meditating with my sound bowls and giggling with my kiddos… there are so many (infinite) ways to be the harmony, embrace and spread the Light and feel the Love!!! I am wishing you an abundance of choices filled with every good thing you can imagine and make happen for yourself. I Love you!