Thank You

by livewhatyouknow

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” –Meister Eckhart

I am filled with gratitude on so many levels and in so many ways.  I am grateful just to be grateful — to know what it is, where it comes from and how it expands our lives.  Let’s pretend we’re all sitting at the table, enjoying our wholesome Thanksgiving feast together; I will share three things I am particularly grateful for today:

  • Perception – It is a great gift to me to know that whenever I find myself suffering in any way, I can shift my perception and choose another way of looking at things.  I know deeply that how I see the world creates the world I live in.  I cherish this truth and I am so very grateful to know how important it is to do the work to polish the lenses I look through…to keep my perception in line with all I have learned and just what my heart holds dear.
  • My Blogging Adventure, My Fellow Bloggers and My Precious Readers – I am filled with gratitude over having this space to share my heart and help me grow as I continue to try to close the gap between what I know and what I am living.  The opportunity to have this creative outlet fills me with joy; my deepest intention and desire is to create something that may be useful to others in some way.  It is my dream to follow my heart towards sharing that truly helps others.  Through this gift of sharing and creating, I have been introduced to so many amazing bloggers out there listening to their voice inside and sharing what is meaningful to them with the world in magical ways.  To have this space where I can connect with others sharing their hearts and read uplifting things filled with kindness and thoughtful choices is such a gift!  I am truly grateful to my fellow bloggers and my precious readers  — from the bottom of my heart – THANK YOU!
  • My Nearest and Dearest — There are so many special people in my life.  I am so very blessed.  I send so much love and gratitude to my friends and family today and always!  To my precious three that walk with my heart in theirs — Grace, George and John:  Thank you for loving me just as I am and thus igniting the drive in me to constantly grow and evolve towards more of my being.  My love for you is the breath of my life I breath in and my gratitude for your love is the sweet exhalation.  To share this life with you is my dream come true.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  I wish I could sit across from you and hear what you’re grateful for!  Sending you love!